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Nathan Putnam

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raised of
$2,500 goal
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66 supporters
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Help me help the families of police who have lost loved ones.

My Updates

01 May 2022

Can you believe you have all been a part of the most successful Police Legacy Ride in a decade. This year, you fantastic individuals have raised over $173k. This will now employ a dedicated support specialist for 2 years, in addition to kids scholarships plus much more.
Last night we heard the story of Maggie Richardson who lost her husband whilst travelling to deploy road spikes to stop a stolen car. Just to Dad out doing his job. Legacy continues to help the 5 month, 7y/o and mum left behind.

30 Apr 2022

OMG. Thank you all for your huge support and generosity. The competitive side of me loves that I was awarded top fund-raiser. The compassionate side of me loves that you all are helping a community of families that are hurting, just because their mum or dad went to work... and didn't come home.

29 Apr 2022

Lunch today

29 Apr 2022

We've made it to Mittagong under full Police escort. It's been a very enjoyable and safe ride today. 113km today.

28 Apr 2022

Thank you very very much to everyone who has supported me and Police Legacy thus far. The excitement starts tomorrow. I'll keep updates and photos coming through as the days progress

Nathan Putnam has 66 supporters
