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Peloton events BNSW

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raised of
$550 goal
Thanks to
44 supporters

For your Remembrance Bike Ride why not join the experienced Peloton Events Coaching and Ride team, taking in some of the most beautiful quiet roads around the Hawkesbury. 140km, 2000m of climbing, c28-32kph pace - a challenging and rewarding ride. Come with 2 full water bottles, food in your pockets, coffee money, a smile and strong legs. Support vehicle with spares, food and a photographer will be with us the whole ride. Want to join this ride? Contact Jon M Leighton OAM, NSW Police Legacy Remembrance Bicycle Ride Committee, Peloton Events, on email: jleighton@jmlaustralia.com.au

Team Members

Daryn Middlebrook
Flying Scotsman
James Falkiner
Bray - Peloton Events BNSW
Andrew Thomas
Darryn Capes-Davis
Katie Banerjee
Ian Timms
Scott Mills
Rod Ellwood
Ross Bowles

Peloton events BNSW has 44 supporters
