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raised of
$750 goal
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17 supporters
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On Apr 29, 2022, I will be embarking on a 300km bicycle ride from Sydney to Canberra to raise money for NSW Police Legacy (Police families), a cause close to my heart.

Why am I doing it?
• Raise at least $750 for families of fallen officers. All donations are tax deductible.
• Personal fitness challenge coming back from injury and very tough last 3 years. This will be my longest ride to date!
• Ride alongside and support a few mates who are also serving Police Officers and have had a very tough year themselves.

I would greatly appreciate your helping me reach my fund raising goal. Every bit counts. If you’re unable to contribute financially, no worries. If you see me riding around, don’t hesitate to wave, smile or stop me for a hug. Positive vibes & love to all 😊

Thank you!

Ash has 17 supporters
